Why is Instagram pushing interacting with AI programs for “deep conversations”?
If you really think this massive effort to get everyone using AI is all innocent fun I have a pyramid scheme for you that’s going to make you rich, I promise.
First it’s fun. Then it’s a crutch. Then it’s a dependency. Then what?
Featuring the start of JP’s military service and his incredible experiences reported to Dr Michael Salla.
Having created the cover image for Book Two last year, Dr Salla invited me to revise the cover for Book One. I’m currently putting the finishing touches on Book Three, which will be available soon.
My last girlfriend was obsessed with crystals. I thought they were nothing more than pretty ornamental rocks. She was right.
I’ve come to learn that crystals are truly powerful and when used properly, provide a great deal of assistance to us. I recently gave my mom three shungite crystals for her phone, her laptop, and her wifi to protect her from electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Cigarette companies never let the public know about their harmful products. Neither will tech companies. I encourage you to learn more for yourself.
My depictions from US Army Insider Missions of an Underground Spaceport, the Ant People, and the Sleeping Giant being featured at a conference in France.
Because it’ll be beautiful. The murals will accentuate the lush trees & flowers during the warm months. When the cold strips the town gray, they will provide the area with vibrant color.
Because it’s about nature. We know that our future requires us to come together and restore our frayed relationship with the planet. Art has the power to make this connection emotionally.
Because it’s about imagination. The attention economy depends on us watching and clicking and scrolling. Our imagination create our reality. I’m here to inspire people.
What does it feel like for artists who don’t want to use AI or have their work stolen by big tech? Apple made a commercial that conveys the experience perfectly.
Fortune Teller – Did you play with these as a kid?
I made this one as a gift recently. I added a feature that’s weather related to make sure one of the determinant factors is outside of the player’s control. I hope it provides helpful guidance!