Thanks to everyone for your kind words on the new work. I realize a lot of pieces have been left out from over the years- jobs I’m really fond of- but in the interest of presenting a honed, definitive body of work, it must be so. Anyway, much appreciated. Onwards!
Went to the Interactive Telecommunications Program exhibition at Tisch tonight. A really interesting and stimulating hands-on collection of work by students which are all completely different and unified in their exploration of relating you (the viewer/participant) to technology. Pieces include: a wooden mirror, musical tubes of water, a portable meditation chamber, a device that lets your plants call you when their soil is low on water, and of course, musical sneakers. Interesting, tactile, stimulating, artsy, and wonderfully overwhelming. A few site worth following up on are Own Your Stuff and We Rock NYC.
The new site is coming together (still fine tuning). This blog will be used to highlight projects, upcoming shows, and any relevant mischief I can get my pencil into. Also, a Store has been added so prints may be purchased and enjoyed by all.