September 27, 2013

Filed under: Art,For Sale,News — adamsdoyle @ 11:31 pm

I just teamed up with a really cool French printer Arty Walrus that does giant stickers. It’s new but they look really great. Check it out and offer a Like if you agree. Thanks!


September 23, 2013

Filed under: Art,Books,For Sale,Illustration,News,publishing — adamsdoyle @ 9:51 pm

For a lifelong illustrator and booklover, there’s really nothing more satisfying than seeing your work on the shelves of a bookstore. So fortunate to be part of Maggie Stiefvater’s world.


Filed under: Fun,Gallery,News — adamsdoyle @ 5:19 am

Check out the new season of creative scavenger hunting-
Hunt Riot Summer Gallery

September 20, 2013

Filed under: Art,For Sale,Gallery,Hong Kong,News — adamsdoyle @ 8:37 pm

For those in Hong Kong, my work will be appearing in the Asia Contemporary Art Show October 3-6 with RE Gallery.

Including the revised Uncertainty Principle


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