The new issue of Canteen is out. A great literary magazine that focuses on the act of creation through short stories. I am honored to have been a part of the current issue.

The new issue of Canteen is out. A great literary magazine that focuses on the act of creation through short stories. I am honored to have been a part of the current issue.
The great thing about reading a classic like Moby Dick is not only catching up on literature that is thoroughly part of our cultural parlance, nor simply to have enjoyed it as well, but to get called by Seattle’s The Stranger Newspaper to do an illustration on the story with a quick turn-around time and complete creative freedom.
This past winter I’ve been working a great deal on a series of ink drawings which have come to be known as The Demons. As they moved along and began relating to each other conceptually and emotionally I saw that the form of a book would suit them well. Using Latin titles/phrases brought a solid grounding to the imagery in a graphic way, as well as adding a gust of meaning to the narratives. I decided that having these phrases in English would dominate the viewers interpretation of the artwork, so using a lesser know language provided not only a solution, but brought with it a classicism as well. Translations to be found at the end. The book is called Corpus Colosseum and will be available in the coming months.
Just discovered some great body paints by the company Temptu. Looking to get more involved in this in the near future.