My Charge to the Modern Prometheus painting has been entered in the @SaatchiArt #showdown, The Body Electric. Supportive votes are very much appreciated
Prints also available
My Charge to the Modern Prometheus painting has been entered in the @SaatchiArt #showdown, The Body Electric. Supportive votes are very much appreciated
Prints also available
New painting, The Swallow of Paracelsus
Oil 12×12″ (gifted to a friend)
Reference to the writings of the eternal Borges
Along with my paintings from Hong Kong I also just got the prints I did for the newest Tomb Raider. I think it’d be fun to give the signed Rite of Passage to a fan well-versed with my work. Stay tuned for The Question if you’d like to win it.
We’re nearing the release of a very limited edition of large metal prints. The quality of reproduction is AMAZING. Here I am signing A Fortiori, coming soon!
Next weekend is Mother’s Day. If you’re looking for a nice gift, consider personalized gift cards with two swirly options painted by yours truly. Available at Minted.
New painting of airborne conviction – Sannfæring, oil 18×24″
I’ll make it available for print soon.