Work now available at Saatchi Online.
The RISD Portfolios committee highlighted my Recovered books today. Thanks guys!
The new Spring Hunt Gallery is out. Check out a great collection of pictorial interpretations on a challenging mix of tasks.
Really appreciating the gamers of the Android:Netunner series. They’ve been sending me and the art department some wonderfully encouraging emails. Thanks guys!
An now available as a print – Wall of Static
New painting-
Light at the End
Oil 24×18″
“There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seems to speak of some hidden soul beneath..”
Melville is awesome. Time always teaching us whose works has tapped the source. Here’s to those stories that have made their mark, forever after known as classics. I was recently invited to choose several favorites and design new covers for them. Hard to resist when so much of my work bares fruit from their trees. The Creative Action Network has partnered with the terrific Harvard Bookstore in Boston to make these available as paperbacks and ebooks. You can see them here.
I’m awaiting pictures of the books, which I’ll share here.
Tsurugi, from the Netrunner:Android game, now available as a print.
Flattered to see players of Netrunner discussing my work.